
Serenity McDonald


(2014-09-17 09:05:24) Sherry wrote:
My heart is broken for you and our family. The day Serenity was born .... Was a scarey day. I was so worried that we would loose both Serenity and Crystal. I was so excited and still scared when Dr. Tori said they both are ok. I knew it was a long road and Serenity has fought as long as she could. Im blessed that we got 6 months of watching her grow, her expressions, and her fight to stay with her family. I know God will heal our hearts and now we have an angel. My biggest wish for Crystal and TJ is to be healthy and know that you have a beautiful Angel watching over you.

(2014-09-18 11:17:59) Jackie Irvin wrote:
The promises God made are all true. May The Lord embrace you with his love and give you peace and comfort your hearts in time.. We have another angel smiling on us !! Love to all

(2014-09-21 18:18:13) Sister In CHRIST wrote:
She is an Angel.Pure Angels without sin cannot stay here on earth.Mom and Dad you are Blessed to know for sure she is in JESUS arm.

(2014-09-22 06:57:39) Darrin Fitz wrote:
I like to give my deepest sympathy to the family sorry for your loss I know at this time it is a very difficult time for the family .What I would like to do is give the family something comforting from God's Word the bible I believe it can bring comfort to you and your family here at Isaiah 26:19 and Psalm 37:29 gives you and your family comfort you are in our prayers.

(2014-09-22 12:56:55) Barbara Moore wrote:
There are no words I could ever say to ease your pain so please accept I am so sorry for your loss. Will be holding you and your family in prayer for comfort and peace. Little Serenity touched so many hearts including mine. Such a beautiful baby now a beautiful angel. RIP sweet Cabbage Patch

(2014-09-22 18:04:07) Jimmy And Pam Reed wrote:
You are in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. We love you both and ask God to wrap his loving arms around you and comfort your hearts.

(2014-09-23 06:30:13) Susan Leonard wrote:
Your family is always in my prayers.

(2014-09-24 18:33:00) Sharon Frazier wrote:
May you feel his loving presence.