
Dollye M. Tarver


(2018-07-26 10:32:28) Hallee wrote:
I am so sorry for the family’s loss. Death is truly an enemy. May you find comfort from the future promise recorded in 1 Corinthians 15:26 which says “the last enemy, death, is to be brought to nothing.”

(2018-07-26 11:48:54) Steven C. Paxton wrote:
May God comfort you today.

(2018-07-26 14:07:17) Donetta Starks wrote:
It is with sadness that I bid cousin Doll farewell who is my oldest living relative! Cousin Doll was a role model for the family. It was because of her Nursing was my profession. She was a classy lady, Christian lady and a lady of great character. She fought a great fight and now God has said Servant well done. She is ready without any regrets to meet the master. To Eddie, Garcia, grandchildren, great grands; I offer my love and prayers at this difficult time.

(2018-07-26 15:21:31) Annette Laskey wrote:
My deepest sympathy. You and your family are in my prayers.

(2018-07-27 15:14:54) S. L. Weaver wrote:
God knows your heartache and shares your grief. My heart is with the family for your loss. May you find comfort in the resurrection hope at Acts 24:15. God has also promised to do away with death forever at Isa. 24:15 and sickness at Isa. 33:24. Please know you are in my prayers.

(2018-07-27 16:18:36) Eva Fair wrote:
May God comfort you today.

(2018-07-27 16:19:29) Eva Fair wrote:
May God comfort you today.

(2018-07-27 16:19:48) Eva Fair wrote:
May God comfort you today.

(2018-07-27 16:31:20) Eva Fair wrote:
May God comfort you today.

(2018-07-28 11:14:07) S. L. Weaver wrote:
God knows your heartache and shares your grief. My heart is with the family for your loss. May you find comfort in the resurrection hope at Acts 24:15. God has also promised to do away with death forever at Isa. 24:15 and sickness at Isa. 33:24. Please know you are in my prayers.

(2018-07-28 11:24:57) Anttwain Cox wrote:
Well, what can I say about Dollye M. Tarver? She will be missed and always have a special place in my heart. As I reflect, she was my first Sunday school teacher at Siloam; I was about 4 years old. She was my first BTU director when I was about 8 years old. At the opening of BTU on Sunday evening’s at 5:45pm, she would say, “Anttwain, come get this Bible. Cleedee, you get the American flag, and Tremeisha, you get the Christian Flag. I want ‘yall to march around this church and recite the “allegiances”! And as we were marching, she would scream at us...”GET THOSE KNEES UP”!! As a young musician attempting to develop my God-given talent, I would go to the church early on Saturday mornings, go across the street to her house and she would give me her keys and she would would say, “don’t practice on the big organ, use the organ in the old church.” I hate to say, but I ALWAYS went to the “big organ” in the main sanctuary! (Lol) It is with much love and greatfulness that I say, “Thank you” for taking time to invest in me. “Thank You” for picking me up and taking me to the many Convetions that you were apart of. And most of all, “Thank You” for being one of the first people to instill in me Christian values...and telling me my first Bible stories. “Sis. Tarver” (as I called her) will be greatly missed. As a Christian, I know I will see her again...and I’m sure she will be still screaming at me...”GET THOSE KNEES UP!” Luv’ ya Sis. Tarver!

(2018-07-28 16:09:27) Andrea Miller wrote:
My deepest sympathy.

(2018-07-29 09:06:47) Denise McDonald wrote:
God bless you and your family richly.

(2018-07-29 09:07:28) Denise McDonald wrote:
My deepest sympathy.

(2018-07-29 11:28:04) Yvette Stevenson wrote:
Momma Doll you will deeply missed you are a angel rest kindly on our shoulders

(2018-07-29 11:42:32) Zettie Farrow wrote:
May God comfort the Tarver family today and always.

(2018-07-29 11:43:28) Zettie Farrow wrote:
May God comfort the Tarver family today and always.

(2018-07-30 17:30:57) Steven C. Paxton wrote:
You are in my prayers.

(2018-07-31 09:32:07) Carol Jones wrote:
May you feel his loving presence.

(2018-07-31 19:42:29) Eric & Sheryl Jones wrote:
Garcia and family, You have our deepest sympathy.

(2018-08-01 05:01:11) VERAN C AND ANITA L RANDLE wrote:

(2018-08-01 10:52:40) Patricia Lawrence Reeves wrote:
AS a friend of Ramona's; the family is in my thoughts and prayers!

(2018-08-01 19:24:25) June (Hall) McLaughlin wrote:
With deepest sympathy. May God bless and comfort you and your family.