
Roosevelt Wiggins


(2018-12-10 08:36:12) Michael wrote:
My deepest sympathy.for your loss please remember that the god of the bible gives us a hope of seeing our love ones again in the resurrection in paradise. Re 21:4 He will wipe out every tear form their eyes and death will be no more.

(2018-12-10 09:22:54) S. L. Weaver wrote:
The promises God made are all true. My deepest sympathy is with the family for your loss. May you take comfort in knowing that there will be a resurrection in the future when we look in the bible at Acts 24:15. Jehovah God promises to soon get rid of pain, suffering and death forever at Isaiah 25:8. You are in my prayers.

(2018-12-10 09:31:27) P Sanders wrote:
Titus chapter 3 vs 6&7: he poured out his spirit out richly on us through Jesus Christ our Savior so that after being declared righteous through the undeserved kindness of that one we might become heirs according to the hope of everlasting life

(2018-12-12 11:18:34) D Edgar wrote:
The promises God made are all true.Dear Family, my deepest sympathy at the death of your loved one. You can however, take a measure of comfort in knowing that the God of tender mercy has promised a resurrection of the dead. In the Bible book of Revelation 21:4 He says. “And He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will morning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”

(2018-12-13 10:21:15) Leticia SCARAMELLA wrote:
My most sincere condolences to the family, i like to share scripture with them that most give you some degree of comfort, John 5:28,29..Revelation 21:3,4....

(2018-12-13 10:26:46) Leticia SCARAMELLA wrote:
My most sincere condolences to the family, I like to share scripture with you that give us hope that one day will be able to see our love ones again and better condition on earth, psalms 37:9. John 5:28,29..revelation 21:3,4...