
Clarence T. Wells


(2020-02-21 11:07:24) Velma Newman wrote:
My deepest sympathy.

(2020-02-21 14:24:13) Andrea Miller wrote:
God bless you and your family richly.

(2020-02-21 14:36:20) Morris &Annie Hinton wrote:
God bless you and your family richly.

(2020-02-21 16:51:52) Zelda Davis wrote:
My deepest sympathy.

(2020-02-21 18:31:24) Regina Flora wrote:
God knows your heartache and shares your grief.

(2020-02-21 22:15:56) Fannie Brown wrote:
My deepest sympathy. Alright CT now you can rest. Be Blessed Family!

(2020-02-22 09:23:44) Tiva D Jackson wrote:
God saw you tired and a cure was not to be, so He put His arms around you and whispered "Come to me". Suffer no more and rest in eternal peace Dad. Callar and family, may all minds be at peace and hearts be comforted.

(2020-02-23 09:14:40) KENNETH & LILLIE KENNEDY wrote:
In your moments of deepest sadness.

(2020-02-23 11:59:03) Angie Gipson wrote:
Sorry about the passing of C. T. Praying that God will give the family the strength to go through this bereavement process. Blessings to you, Callar.

(2020-02-24 10:56:37) Sherman Henry wrote:
God bless you and your family richly. A great person and outstanding tennis player and mentor to many in the Oklahoma City area.

(2020-02-25 09:01:23) Gearldine Rowland wrote:
May God comfort you today.

(2020-02-25 21:15:43) Joyce Mayo wrote:
You are in my prayers.Sorry for your loss Micheal.

(2020-02-26 16:03:28) Delores Rutledge wrote:
May God give you comfort during this sad time.