
Eddie Smith


(2020-11-30 10:54:04) Linda J. Barnett wrote:
Our deepest sympathy to the Smith family with the home going of our dear friend and Church brother. May the God of glory comfort and strengthen you. Peace be with you! Blessings Roland and Linda Barnett

(2020-11-30 14:43:23) Lillian Viney King wrote:
You will be missed, may your family be at Peace.

(2020-12-01 12:25:52) Suzette Michele Smith wrote:
Dad, Thank you so much for the love and guidance that you have given to me as my father. I love you.

(2020-12-01 14:42:19) Norma Bruner wrote:
My deepest sympathy. Sorry for your loss Juanita, praying for you in your time of sorrow. My condolences to you and your family.

(2020-12-02 19:35:11) Donetta Faye Starks wrote:
To the Smith family; I offer my prayers and condolences. To Juanita, Dr. Curtis and other family members,; may God grant you the strength you need during this difficult time.

(2020-12-03 15:57:45) Wynonna Bean wrote:
You are in my prayers.

(2020-12-03 15:59:28) Eunice Russell wrote:
You are in my prayers.