
Joseph Terrell Heath


(2023-06-28 16:11:50) Deborah Roberson wrote:
My deepest sympathy.

(2023-06-29 07:19:06) Linda Davis wrote:
My deepest sympathy.

(2023-06-30 06:52:18) Andreia Smith wrote:
Yvirrell, may God give you peace and strength like ONLY He can. I'm praying for you and know that I am here for you. To the family, you're in my thoughts and prayers.

(2023-06-30 07:00:42) Phyllis Adams wrote:
To my pastor Kowetta Health-Rogers, Lady Zina and entire family. I am so sorry for the loss of your love one my heartfelt condolences are with you all. Trust in the Lord with All thy Heart and Lean not unto thy Own Understanding Proverbs 3:5 My Prayers and Sympathy to the Family that God continue to give you comfort and peace as He blow His Holy Spirit of strength to each of you. I am here for you. Love you dearly. Lady Phyllis Adams & the PTIC Family

(2023-06-30 16:19:48) Velma Perry wrote:
You are in my prayers. Be encouraged in the Lord during this most difficult time

(2023-07-01 11:50:27) Kim Burge wrote:
My deepest sympathy.

(2023-07-01 12:16:03) Geneva M. (Green) White wrote:
Jolinda and Family, God knows your heartache and shares your grief. Praying for you and your family. Luv u much.

(2023-07-03 10:14:08) Annette Taylor wrote:
My deepest sympathy.

(2023-07-05 13:33:12) Cora Murray wrote:
You are in my prayers.

(2023-07-06 15:50:39) Eld: Excell/ Audessa Robinson wrote:
God knows your heartache and shares your grief.Pastor Rogers, and Lady Jolinda, we are praying for you and your family as well. We know that God is carrying “ You” as you walk in His strength, that no other God can provide for you. Keep walking forward, as He leads you to “ The Still Waters that restores your soul” We both love you so much and you’ll get through this journey!