
Ivory Mae Hatchett


(2023-10-19 16:31:05) Rebecca Scruggs wrote:
May God comfort you today. Praying for continued strength for Janet and family.

(2023-10-19 19:14:27) Brenda Reeves wrote:
You are in my prayers.

(2023-10-20 19:19:30) Andrea Harlan (City Letter Carrier) wrote:
My deepest sympathy.

(2023-10-20 22:13:03) Diana Bell wrote:
I met Sis. Hatchet while working at Greater Cleaves. She was such a sweet lady. She'll truly be missed. Prayers and condolences to Janet and the other family members.

(2023-10-21 08:28:36) Sandra (Randle) RAWLS wrote:
Janet , remembering growing up as next-door neighbors. I will always remember your Mom, very sweet lady. You have my Sincere Condolence 🙏 and ans Players. May God continue to bless bless you and your family.

(2023-10-22 05:25:25) Pauline Perry Perry wrote:
God bless you and your family richly.

(2023-10-22 11:17:01) Mary Pat Scruggs Hooper wrote:
Condolences love and prayers to the family

(2023-10-22 17:15:39) Regina Taylor Brock wrote:
So sorry for your loss, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. 🙏🏾

(2023-10-22 22:46:28) Winnie Wallace wrote:
My deepest sympathy.

(2023-10-23 04:17:16) Jo Leonard wrote:
Sending heartfelt prayers and condolences to the family of Ms. Ivory Hatchett.

(2023-10-23 10:46:25) David Hough wrote:
What a great heritage of faith dear Ivory has left us with. Praying for the family, 1 Peter 1:3b,4 - 'According to His great mercy, He has caused us to be born again to a living Hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance imperishable, undefiled and unfading, kept in heaven for you.' in Jesus' love, David with Laura

(2023-10-23 14:01:47) Brenda Horton wrote:
God bless you and your family richly.

(2023-10-24 10:27:20) Linda Johnson wrote:
My deepest sympathy.

(2023-10-24 17:39:28) Gina Sofola wrote:
My dear Mrs. Hatchett how loved you are. I have missed seeing you since you retired and my heart is saddened that I won't ever see you on this side of heaven again. But this thing I know and that is that I will see you again and rejoice with you in the arms of our Lord and Savior Jesus. You are already missed. May the Lord strengthen Janet and your family in the days ahead. May your life be a testimony to the goodness of God.

(2023-10-25 06:38:43) Sandra Fails wrote:
Ms. Hatchet was a wonderful person. I've known her most of my life. She was always encouraging and had kind words for me Janet I pray for peace and understanding for you and your family and those who knew her. She will be missed

(2023-10-25 17:40:06) Phyllis Ford wrote:
Ushered with Mrs. Hachett many years at Greter Cleaves. My fondest memory of her, is she helped serve cake and punch at my wedding reception at Cleaves years ago. She was always kind to me. My deepest sympathy for Janet and the family she will be truly missed.

(2023-10-25 21:41:04) Family In Arizona wrote:
Janet, Our sincere condolences to you. You have our deepest sympathy and unwavering support. Wishing you peace, comfort and courage during this time of sorrow. You are in our prayers.

(2023-10-27 20:45:33) Sandra Adkins Jones wrote:
My deepest sympathy.

(2023-10-27 20:48:37) A.Z. Jones wrote:
May God comfort you today.

(2023-10-28 18:43:12) Ola (JONES) Harper wrote:
Another link in the chain Another Pilar of strength Another kind voice Another loving spirit Beautiful inside out You will be missed Without a doubt. Save a place near you for me, I will look for you, you see Ibecause I already know where you will be. Among the best of the family