Name: Mr. Williamson Taylor

Date: June 17, 1969 - May 30, 2024


City of birth: Accra, Ghana

Mother: Henrietta Taylor

Father: Donald Taylor

Spouse: Martice Taylor

Daughters: Kimberly Taylor, Dejah Walker (Step-Daughter), Anasiah Walker (Step-Daughter)

Sons: Kendrick Taylor, Trent Walker (Stepson)

Sisters: Hannah Taylor, Helen Taylor, Thelma Taylor

Brothers: Ernest Taylor

Occupation: Tinker Air Force Base

Special notations: Jacob Blankson-Lartey Sr. (Uncle)

Visitations: Pending

Cemetery: Sunny Lane Cemetery 3900 S. E. 29th St, Del City, OK 73115

Services: Earl M. Temple Memorial Chapel, 2801 N. Kelley Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73111

Services date and time: 10am Saturday, June 29, 2024






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